Wednesday, February 25, 2009

playing catch up

I didn't hear from my husband for probably almost a week.  I mean, we sent quick emails, but we didn't get to talk on the phone or chat online.  Now I know that compared to Vietnam or the World Wars spouses/girlfriends/families, we are very spoiled.  My husband's great aunt remembers when her husband was at war and she was getting letters from him after he came back home.  So yes, technology has spoiled us, but it still doesn't compare to having your loved one within a phone call's reach.
But these last three days have been awesome!  I've had the chance to TALK to him each day.  It's amazing that eight years into our marriage I still just giggle at the thought of being able to talk to him on the phone.  Even if it isn't about anything important, talking to him just makes me centered and calm.
I miss him.  Seven more months to go.

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