Thursday, February 5, 2009


So I'll give this a try.  I'm being inspired by a friend who has begun blogging.  I was first inspired to "blog" more on myspace as a way to catch up friends and family without the big, long form email.  It turns out to be a very therapeutic outlet for me.
So if you happen across my page, who knows what you'll find:  rants, raves, recipes, Dylan stories (3 yr old love of my life), Tom stories (love of my life), etc. etc. etc.  I happen to love run-on sentences and horrible grammar, so please don't complain.  
I used to be what I considered a Domestic Goddess...and now...I'm happy with the (Not S0) part of the title.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blog world :) Watch out, it's a bit addictive!
